
Showing posts from July, 2021


Many aspects of the building industry are tough to grasp, but understanding the distinctions and drainage and sewer pipe applications is not one of them. Modern plumbing requires drainage and sewerage systems. A drain is a pipe that serves a single building and transports water and garbage to a sewer. A lateral drain is a drain that runs outside the building's perimeter and connects to drains from neighboring structures to form a sewer. Sewerage refers to the underground networks of pipes that transport wastewater and feces and wastewater and surface water runoff from drains to treatment plants or disposal locations. Difference between Drains and Sewers Drain A drain is a pipe that serves a single property by either transporting wastewater away from it or providing it with clean, fresh water for drinking and other purposes. For this purpose, the pipes that run around and within your property line are called drains, and together they make up your drainage system. Drains, both natura...